This is the next article in the series of antagonistic articles aimed at getting you angry, because it means you are in conflict with our truth and yours. Maybe we can match truth’s?
The Blind leading the Blind
In the land of the blind the one eyed person is leader (Yes, for the woke society I removed the gender issue). In the world of Crypto it seems the blind are leading the blind as no one seems to have any vision. Let’s take a closer look:
I recently spoke with a banker, a financial expert, and asked him his thoughts on the fact that most of the crypto’s on the market are not backed by any solid or profitable enterprise, but are just valued based on market perception. In my last article “Why” I showed how Cardano, Solana and Polkadot were all larger in value then companies such as HSBC, JAL and Heinz. His answer was like this “The crypto projects are open to everyone, they are global, so everyone can own crypto and trade with it, whereas companies such as Heinz and HSBC are limited to their consumers.” Well that was an awesome exercise in futility. Essentially what he said was that the value of Crypto projects is not based on whether the project is profitable, or even has any use, its value is on the fact that one person is willing to buy from another person the token at a market value price. There is no need for the crypto world projects to have any productive impact on society other then what the perceptual trading value. Which means that crypto is not like a currency, its not like a product or a service, crypto is essentially “Art”. It is the trading in emotional perception of what the individual believes it to be worth. That’s why the NFT market is so successful; it’s art of art. (phew, get your head around this).
What does this mean? It means that if we were to give real value to crypto based on what the project actually delivers and will potentially deliver then we might see market cap reduced significantly. With this stated, we should compare crypto to Uber, yes Uber. The company that took and took and took from its investors, made no profit whatsoever, in fact made huge losses but was valued in the billions based on “potential” profit based on the fact that it was global. (Sort of like crypto but with an actual service).
Bottom line; It’s fun, it’s great, it’s awesome to live in the country of the blind…because it’s so much more colourful than reality. More crypto hitting the market, more pumps and dumps, and more chances to get rich just by following the meme’s and checking out which way the Billionaire trend setters tweet their fancies.
What is a Real Crypto Project?
So there we are bleating about the values of crypto and here we are a crypto company. Sort of defies the objective of our own vision? No, actually not. What it defines is that over time everyone will start to realise that 99% of all crypto projects are quick pump and dump options for their founders and a savvy few investors that can make a 20x turn over in 3 months. With this stated, there are a number of exceptional projects out there who offer crypto as a real source of income, as a real currency within their environment.
You see, crypto is essentially monopoly money or casino chips, where their value is only realised within their game or house. However, with this, we must take into account the perceptual and emotional value people place on these tokens (in a realistic view). If the project is truly awesome, it will not be a pump and dump job, it will provide a long term and ever increasing ROI to everyone because it is not just bought and sold, it is also earned through a productive mechanism.
What is a productive mechanism? Well, its a project that doesn’t mine token’s for the tokens sake (such as blockchain which is the closest to a real currency) Nor does it have an unlimited amount of tokens available for just being tokens (such as Doge). A productive mechanism is when the project offers the tokens in exchange for actual work done, a service provided, a resource sold. In other words, providing a real life value to the token by estimating its value for “time” or for “Asset”.
What does this mean?
Time is the most valuable measurement we have, it is the measurement of our mortality. It measures change, and it tells us what we have done within our life till the everchanging present point. One of our payment models is pay per hour. Most employees wages are set at hourly rates. As such, we know what 1 hour is worth for different services provided.
Mind is the most valuable resource we have, it is our life’s experiences and knowledge that we use over time. In other words, we can express our wages in terms of time and role (mind).
Our role is to provide a certain amount of our minds over a time period. In simple terms, one hour of someone's life is valued differently based on their role in society and in their specific work environment. That’s why two individuals with similar experiences and lives will earn totally different incomes for one hour.
How does a real Crypto project use this?
A real crypto project essentially mitigates the role function and only takes into account the time factor. For instance, in the case of mining and validating blocks: Every individual within the crypto environment will earn the same amount of tokens since role is equal and as such, time being equal will pay out identical amounts. A full decentralized blockchain will not favour one individual over another irrespective of their block size, but will essentially provide a fully autonomous random selection so that everyone gets to earn. (This is not the case in Solana, nor in Polkadot and in fact not in most, only in Bitcoin and Ethereum do we find true decentralization).(Unfortunately Ethereum’s issue is in the fees, where it is now a chain for the stupid, because why would you pay $15 to transfer $10? )
In the case of proof of work, we also have the payment for activities provided, in other words, not “fees” for transactions, but “wages” or “payments” for services. Using crypto as an intermediate asset, sort of like a promissory note, where the value of the note is defined by the market. A true crypto project would adopt crypto as means of payment, sort of how Tesla might decide to create it’s own crypto titled “Tesla” and use it as an internal currency where users can earn more by driving more, the more you drive the more you earn, and also where you use it to buy Tesla gear. This then becomes an internal token that when released to market would exponentially grow, as people could then trade externally with the token. Yet remember, the amount of distributed tokens would only be those that were earned from driving the cars.
This is the Fuzzy Way
…and now we come to it…
Fuzzy.One is like the Tesla model suggested above. We have an eco-system where the amount of distributed tokens are limited to the tokens earned by answering questions, posting articles and sharing in knowledge, what we call Return on Knowledge. We also limit the amount of tokens being released by user to the market through a buy back mechanism which is part of our sharing the wealth model.
Essentially, we have a number of tokenomic mechanisms in place which limit the amount of FUZ being released to the market, which generates a continuous bullish value leading to higher demand. This is a true crypto project because it is no longer perceptual it is time and role based, where the role is to answer questions and the time denotes how much you earn within that time period.