We were asked by some of our community members to clarify the equation of role equality between physicians and custodians. We were told that its harder to find and replace a physician whereas its easy to find a replacement and to hire people to be custodians. So here is our response:
1) There is no relation between the ease or hardship of finding a role performer and the importance of the role. All roles are equally important when the sum of the whole is required.
2) We understand that a physician must and needs to be paid more than a custodian, but we do not condone minimum wages to a custodian.
What we are seeking is a way to change the societal perception and remuneration to what society considers as easy or simple roles. All roles are equally important, and what we seek is to adjust the wage band range between the top earners and the bottom earners in a way that eradicates extreme poverty. The only way to do this is to recognise the importance of every role and to change the payment bands to a narrower model, where everyone can afford to life a basic to extravagant life.
We understand that we cannot change the human condition of greed, avarice and lust. What we can do is just change the way we share the global wealth in a way that enables everyone in the world to have a baseline for life with access to water, power, shelter, food, health and education.