We have received many queries around out system and registration, so here are the answers:
Registration — Subscriber or Advertiser?
Everyone that wants to earn income from answering questions must register as a subscriber.
Everyone that wants to pay to advertise questions and answer them should register as an advertiser.
Students and Tutors-Fuzzy.One Academic Q&A
We are adding a new mandatory select check box in the registration. You have four options to choose from:
Student-check this if you are currently a student.
Tutor-check this if you are a tutor, teacher or lecturer.
Neither-check this if you are none of the above
Graduate-check this if you are a graduate of college or uni and are not currently studying.
The reason for this is to enable our Academic Q&A filter to provide a closed environment to students and tutors where only they can ask and answer each other. You will see two search boxes in the front page, one is for the general public questions and the other is for the Academic questions.
When this feature is added we ask you all to go to your EDUCATION tab and check the relevant box, as this is a mandatory request. You can always update this whenever your status changes.
We have added a new mandatory selection in the question page. You must select which language you want your answers. This will ensure that only the language selected will be used and also, it filters these Q&A sets into the language enabled screens. So, if you are browsing using the Arabic language, you will only see Arabic Q&A’s, if you use English only English Q&A’s.
Who can answer?
General Public questions enable people to ask and answer questions to the general public.
Academic questions are closed only to subscribers listed as a student or a tutor.
Languages are now closed to any other language other than the one selected by the subscriber who asked the question.
Image Sizes & Copy Paste
We are blocking the use of paste in the answer page, and we are limiting the number of images uploaded to 2 with a combined maximum of 100k. This is to prevent people from copying answers from Google or from other answers and pasting it as their own answers.
We have introduced down votes so that the community can ban people that are not giving good answers. If you are downvoted 10 times in one question you are blocked from answering questions for 24 hours. If you are downvoted 10 times in 5 questions, you are banned from answering questions for life.
The Playathon will go live this week, and we will beta test it for a short period. The official announcement will be made when we are ready to start our first Play to Earn competition.