Macro-Tokenomics 2.0

7 min readSep 7, 2021


Source: What is Tokenomics? — He3Labs

After a few months of focused blockchain development and discussions with investors and interest groups we have reached a new high with our Tokenomics 2.0 model that will accompany our business model. Our project incorporates the two world requirements that crypto was intended for: we provide a stable economic environment together with an excitable tokenomic environment that feed one another in a continuous upward spiral, and the form it takes is a double helix.

Source: Entrepreneurship, Education, and Economics: A Helix Effect on Business Growth | SpringerLink

Let’s have a quick recap of the Business Model (Economics) and then show off our new Tokenomics 2.0


Tokenomics is all about outcome defining design, whereas Economics is about design defining outcome.

What is the difference?

Every project, every business is built using an economic platform. You cannot build a project or business without preparing a solid economically sound framework and base on which to start.

What Tokenomics has brought to the world is the ability to add value by creating an outcome concept and then setting the economic rules to meet the outcome desires even if those rules are not set within the projects core structure.

What does this mean?

It means that tokenomics cannot exist without economics.

A token standing by itself has no design, no desire, it is just code sitting wasting space.

A project defines the design and desire for the token. This economic design and desire is the baseline for the tokens existence. BUT, as with all evolutionary steps, the token can take on its own life from the project, by adding its own tokenomics to deliver an exaggerated outcome.


A car has an engine and a body, it exists, it can work, it can drive within its parameters. It is the project, and the economics. A token is like an upgrade to the car, a turbo charger, a cold air intake, an exhaust system, when we add them to the car, the cars purpose remains the same, but the outcome for delivery increases exponentially by the amount of upgrades you add.

The upgrades in the car are the tokenomics in a project. If we only rely on tokenomics we will only have a handful of spare parts, but no car to travel with.

This is why a good project must have a sound core concept (business model) and economic base for sustainability and a great tokenomic model for exponential value add.

This is how we built Macro.

We have a solid business model, and an exceptional tokenomic value add to exaggerate the exponential potential of the business.

Macro Business Model (Economics)

Macro is an information platform that receives its data from the community. Subscribers ask questions and subscribers answer them. The other source of data is from writing detailed articles that present a problem, a solution and an outcome. These two data sources are provided solely by the community and they pay out to the community. The information provided is supported by our “Return on Knowledge” concept, where everyone can answer questions and post articles based on their life, academic and work experience.

We support the business model with a play to earn set where subscribers are offered a monthly competition on our play platform. Subscribers play against other subscribers for fun and the leaderboard of wins/draws/losses pays out at the end. You only need to play 10 games to start earning tokens. The higher up the leaderboard the more you earn, however there is a cap which allows us to pay out an equal amount to as many players as possible, which is the core of our “Share the Wealth” concept.

The marketing model supports the two models above as it provides income to buy back tokens as well as share income with the play to earn model. Advertisers do not compete for digital real estate, instead they provide solutions in the form of Q&A and Article sets. Unlike the subscribers who get paid for providing solutions, advertisers pay us a monthly amount to maintain any number of Q&A’s and Articles that provide our community with a solution that will attract them to read the advertisers information. The income generated is split up into three payouts, the first is 10% for referral, where the subscriber who referred an advertiser gets paid 10% of the advertisers income on a monthly basis. 20% gets put into the play to earn system as prizes to be distributed back to the community, and a further 20% is used to buy back on a monthly basis, tokens from the community, thereby depleting the market from growing in more tokens.

In addition to the above, we have a mall and defi earnings built into the system. The Mall will provide a shop front for subscribers to trade in services and products using FUZ as the currency. Defi earnings will provide a plethora of products ranging from fixed interest to liquidity pools for lending.

Macro Tokenomics 2.0

Macro Tokenomics 2.0 BBB Chart

To support a bullish market and to ensure the FUZ tokens are in constant high demand we are integrating five core components:


For every Answer that gets the most upvotes in a month, we will create an Answer NFT on a background generated by the answer owners country. This NFT is unique, there will be only one every month. These will be given out on the first of the next month.

We will also create NFT’s for the leading Referrers. Every year, the top 7 referrers will receive a unique referral NFT using their username on an artwork representing their country. These will be given out every January 1st of the New Year

We will provide an NFT for the most prolific community activists. Individuals that ask questions, answer questions, are active in group discussions and are generally ambassadors for our community. The top 7 most active subscribers will receive an Activity NFT based on their username on a backdrop of any photo they send in for creating the NFT. These will be given out every January 1st of the New Year

Once a year we will generate a unique advertisers NFT for the most active advertisers on the site. The top 7 advertisers will each receive an NFT created from their corporate Logo and their username. These will be given out every January 1st of the New Year.

Listing Mechanism

it is our intention to list on a reputable exchange. Upon listing, there will be no free tokens. 5% of the market cap will be released for initial purchase through the exchange. Orders will be received by the exchange based on a $2.5 per token minimum offer. After 7 days the list of orders will be filled using a Pareto release, where the highest bidders get their orders filled first. This will be the first release.

The second release will open immediately after the first where the token holders in the Macro site, (community members who earned tokens from answering questions) will be provided a metered release mechanism to fill the remaining exchange orders.

This way, we ensure three major actions: 1) The token demand will always be higher then the supply. 2) We mitigate any dumps, 3) We ensure a moon market where the token will always go up.

Distribution Release Mechanism

Our distribution release mechanism includes the following taps and meters:

Owners: Anyone employed by Macro or is an equity holder in the company will wait 9 months before releasing the hodl on their tokens. At the release date, only 6.67%% of their holdings will be unlocked. Subsequently, every months a further 6.67%% of their holdings will be unlocked until 15 months post cliff. However, owners will be restricted to holding a minimum of 50% of their initial holdings in a liquidity pool for the benefit of the project.

Seed Investors: Anyone that buys tokens will have 10% of their holding unlocked after 3 months and remaining 90% linear unlocking with a cliff of 6 months and 6 months vesting period.

Private Investors: Anyone that buys tokens directly from the company will have immediate distribution to trade when the token is listed.

Public Investors: Anyone that buys tokens on the exchange will have immediate distribution to trade.

Q&A/Articles: Anyone that uses the site to create content and is paid for as per the business model, will have immediate metered distribution to trade after the initial release has been completed.

Metered Release Control is a hard coded control mechanism that is set by the management. The MRC is designed to ensure a controlled release based on supply and demand. A maximum release amount will be set, this could 1 token a day or 10 tokens a day dependent on the market. Whatever the amount to be released, the baseline will always be no more than 50% of the holdings for release, where the lower of the two constraints will be the controlling constraint. i.e. 50% or 2 tokens. If you have 100 tokens then the maximum amount you can release is 2 tokens, if you have 4 tokens then you can release 50% which is 2 tokens, if you have 1 token you can release 0.5 token which is 50%.

Core Liquidity Pool Hodl

Anyone that wants to withdraw tokens from their site wallet must first place 50% in the core liquidity pool. This 50% is stored and not touched by anyone, and is the sole property of the subscriber who owns the tokens. The liquidity pool holdings are presented in the subscribers site wallet. The system will automatically lock the 50% through a metered release control.

Tokenomics Explained: If you wish to learn more about tokenomics, please read this article by He3Labs: What is Tokenomics? — He3Labs




Written by Komunidad

Komunidad is a Global Community Platform using Return on Knowledge for economic redistribution of wealth.

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