We were recently asked what is special about us and what is our technological advantage, and how can we compete with current service provides and this was our reply:
- Technology is not the issue, community is. technology has never been an issue since there will always be someone that “invents” or “discovers” something new. Such as the battery in the 18th century that led to the electric cars of the early 20th century that were abandoned for 100 years and made a comeback with Tesla. Tesla didn’t invent anything, all they did was package it, create a market for it and the rest is modern history. Tesla is a prime example of a business model. The same goes for Facebook, Amazon and Uber. They did not invent anything new, they used technologies that were around and created a new business model. On the other side of the coin are Google and Blockchain, where Google created a new search algorithm and blockchain brought a new platform structure. Whilst they were both inventions, not everyone needs to, and most don’t create something new. From the internet to the blockchain, 99% of all projects are not emergent technologies, they are adaptations of what is already around. Our technological advantage is that we don’t have one, we don’t profess to have one and we wont have one. Our focus is not on creating a new technology (we implement proven emergent technologies) but on building our community, on our business model and on the delivery and maintenance of both. Just like all the main sites, the big sites including Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, et al…their focus is on maintaining a community lead by introducing new models to constantly entice their communities to not leave them for someone else. With this stated, there is room always for more, and that is why none of the aforementioned are monopolies.
- Our competition is in our model. We are the only project that truly shares the wealth and pays a return on knowledge. We understand that everyone in the world wants extra income, and everyone is seeking ways to do so. We, unlike Uber do not require a car or a driving license from our subscribers. We, unlike Airbnb do not require a property from our subscribers. We, unlike other sites, do no charge our subscribers a fee. What we have is a unique business model that incorporates sharing the wealth with return on knowledge. Where we pay our community for posting questions, answering questions, posting articles and more. We also offer a special once a month play-to-earn bonus as well. We are the only company in the world to market extra income as a solution to 4 billion underpaid low income earners across the globe. With this, we are not an “ETH killer” We are not a monopoly seizer, we are not megalomaniacs. Just as there is room for SAP, Infor, Oracle and many more offering ERP solutions. Just as there are different car models, bike models, construction companies and yes, banks. We understand that we are not alone, we will always have competition and we must strive to work hard building our community and maintaining it on a continuous cycle.
- Our business model takes into account tokenomics, the emergent finance sector of blockchain. We include a number of market making models including burn, buy back, deFi, distribution faucet, NFT’s and liquidity pools to ensure our distribution will always be less than the demand. This means that a constant demand with limited resources to fill that demand will lead to an ever increasing market cap value. We also follow many chains, we do not believe in any one chain over the other. Just as there are different ISP’s offering similar services, and even regulated currencies so too are there blockchains, each one offering a different service, a different flavour and different token. The competition is rife, and this leads to a continuous improvement in service.
- Size does matter. In the world of information, community size is key to success. We need our target market, those 4 billion underpaid low income earners spread across South America, Africa and Asia. So we introduced more sub-models into our business model that includes localization by enabling our community to create country, city and language groups within the master community. Essentially a mirror to the world. This unique model, enables everyone everywhere to share information in their own language with their own level of experience and knowledge to earn extra income.
- Community is key. I say it again, community is the most important factor. You can have the most advanced technology in the world, it wont help you if no one uses it. That is why building a community is the key to success and we are building a community by giving our community the keys to their own personal success. The richer our members become, the more powerful our platform, and the stronger we all grow.
Summing Up
Pharma is based on new technologies that take years to research and billions to create and market. The space race is all about spending billions on old and new technologies for sending people to outer space and is a sector aimed at the rich, because only the rich can afford the time and money to travel to space. Both are excellent sectors that help humanity in its ongoing technological evolution and both take a lot of time to deliver.
BUT, we are not about tomorrow, we don’t have the luxury of time. Our community is starving, especially due to Covid lockdowns and the destruction of entire industries. People who used to earn $300 a month, are now not even earning $100. We need to give them salvation…and now! We cannot wait for governments to come in and help.
This is the time, this is the opportunity.
We are an information platform with a business model that destroys (not disrupts, but destroys) the old world models.
We are the hammer and the anvil, we are the torch and the light, we are the new gig economy that provides everyone with access to extra income because we have synthesized a new business model that focuses on community and uses technology as the tool it is meant to be.