Imagine an information center in your city or town. A place where you can go to ask a question and get a reply. A place where you can ask your question in your own language, and ask a question that might be local. Or you might ask a question about something national within your country? Or perhaps you need a solution that is generic, so anyone in the world can answer it, so long as they have the right experience and knowledge.
That is Fuzzy.One. We are your information center, in every town, every village, every city. We are on every computer and every smart phone. We bring the real, validated and trusted information directly to everyone wherever you may be.
Earning daily income from sharing your knowledge
BUT, we do more. Our information center is a global income provider, it pays everyone that answers questions. We provide extra income or even a stable monthly income to all and everyone that answers questions. After all, who is better at answering a localized question than someone local.
We want you to earn more, and you don’t need to own a car or a house, you don’t need to be rich, all you need is your brain and your life experience and your work experience. If you are a student, an employee, a manager, a freelancer, a pensioner, or if you are just someone that lives somewhere and knows something; you can answer questions asked by everyone else. You can ask questions and someone will answer them.
Imagine waking up every day knowing you could earn more income, more money, by answering a few questions. Spend ten minutes or an hour, however much time you want to dedicate to the information platform and earn for every answer you provide. Now imagine you can ask questions which someone else will answer, you are providing income too. You are enabling someone to answer a question and get paid for it.
Ask and Answer and get Paid
Are you a student that needs help? Ask & Answer, if you answer you get paid.
Are you an employee that needs help? Ask & Answer, if you answer you get paid.
Are you a housewife/husband that needs help? Ask & Answer, if you answer you get paid.
Are you a freelancer that needs help? Ask & Answer, if you answer you get paid.
Are you a single parent that needs help? Ask & Answer, if you answer you get paid.
Are you a pensioner that needs help? Ask & Answer, if you answer you get paid.
Whoever you are, wherever you are, whenever you are: Ask & Answer, if you answer you get paid.
Are you a business owner that wants to reach out to a local, or national or global community? Ask & Answer, but you pay us $1 monthly per Q&A.
Playathon — Recreational income
Add to this our recreational playathon page. This is where we share in our wealth. 30% of all income from advertising is diverted back into the playathon. We split the income into three layers, $100, $50 and 1FUZ ($5). That’s correct, real USD not crypto. We pay out our leaderboard with an equal prize amount, once a month. Once every month we will start a one week competition period in which you and everyone in our community can join in and play a one on one game with another community member. Over the week you amass points in the leaderboard and at the end of the session we pay out the prizes. For instance, if we were to earn $1 million in advertising income in a month, we would take $300,000 of it and split it up into 2,000 payouts of $100 and 2,000 payouts of $50. We would also give every player that plays more than 5 games (win or lose) 1FUZ ($5). This means we have 4,000 payouts and most probably 90% of all players receive 1FUZ ($5)
Now add to this that we keep the playathon page open for play for fun between competitions. BUT, its not just for fun, for every game you play, win or lose, you earn 0.01 FUZ. So you could play 100 games in a month and earn 1 FUZ ($5). A game is tic tac toe, chess, backgammon, nine mans morris and also a one-on-one poker game.
Eradicating extreme poverty
We believe in the sharing economy, we believe that your best asset is your mind, and we believe in you.
So we urge you to come and join this amazing platform, be part of a global change that will bring income and happiness to millions. Be part of the fastest growing and strongest community, where we pay you, we share with you, we recognize you as our most important member.
Our aim is to eradicate extreme poverty by providing everyone with equal access to earning income by sharing in the wealth when you share in your knowledge and experience.