Fuzzy.One-The Big Wait

3 min readDec 2, 2021


WHY??!! The most recent spate of questions being asked in Telegram: Why is there no movement, why are we waiting? What is happening in the fuzzy world?

Simple answer: Mobile and Funding.

We are currently developing a mobile version and we are in the middle of a fund raise for capital. We are in discussion with investors and these things take time especially when the product being “sold” is unique and has to be explained in a concise manner with definitive product and a solid ROI.

Our business model is unique. We integrate economics with tokenomics, in fact we are the only real hybrid company that relies on a standard “old world” economic income model but combine it with a “new world” tokenomic model for income and expenditure.

Consider this:

Information Sharing

The Smart Community Earning Platform provides a meeting place for the global community to earn extra income by sharing information at a global, national, and local level and to communicate in 40 languages.

  1. Q&A with validated answers, pays out to everyone with a validated answer.
  2. Subscribers can also become validators who get paid for validating answers.
  3. Blogs (Articles) can also be written for which the writer gets paid.

This is where our community interacts and shares knowledge, and we provide a Return on Knowledge. At the same time our community is building the worlds largest validated database (library) of knowledge in 40 languages.


  1. Mall with “shop windows” for selling services and products (0.25% fee for every transaction).
  2. Listing pages for selling and trading in secondhand products. (0.25% fee for every transaction).

This where our community can sell their products and services. Our income comes from micro fees, and our community members may trade in FUZ or in USD$.

Financial Services

Provides a comprehensive range of financial services, including transfer of funds between community members, DeFi savings, loans, liquidity pools and swap.

  1. Hodling, flexible earnings, fixed earnings, liquidity pools, lending, swap and futures.
  2. Token Transfer (Gifting Page) that enables subscribers to transfer tokens between one another. (0.25% fee for every transaction)

This is where our community can earn more income from various defi and may also transfer funds in the form of FUZ between accounts…instantaneous and easy to release by withdrawing through our exchange partners in USD$ or in any currency, for instance Abra.

Social Media

Chat and Group Chat modules to enhance the community experience. (Social Media)

This is where our community may interact in one-on-one or in group sessions with instant chat or video conferencing.


An exceptional play experience with our own Play-to-Earn module providing extra income on a monthly competitive basis to all our community members.

Play-to-Earn monthly competition to earn bonus tokens. (Sharing the wealth).

This is our gift to our community, where we provide them with extra income from recreational enjoyment.


Advertising enables companies and individuals to “advertise” Q&A sets for $1 per month per set.

This is where we earn income by providing a platform for companies and individuals to post their Q&A sets that funnel clients to them.


  1. Referring a subscriber pays in FUZ.
  2. Referring an Advertiser pays 10% of the advertising income in USD$ for as long as the advertiser continues to advertise.

This is where we again, give back to our community and provide them with extra income in appreciation of their work to increase the community size and value.




Written by Komunidad

Komunidad is a Global Community Platform using Return on Knowledge for economic redistribution of wealth.

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