A song should inspire, it should be emotional. A song should excite, it should entice. A singer should deliver the message in tune and in time with the music. The musicians should work together like a healthy body. Once a song is perfect, then you can add the video and excite the eyes too, but this is just an added bonus. The truth is in the song, that’s why songs such as “Freedom” by Jean Batiste are so amazing. They combine the best of the song, the music and the video.
Fuzzy.One is all about the experience, the music, the song and the video is what your eyes see all around you. We know that when you wake up with the problems of the worlds on your shoulders you can view the world in two different ways;
Way 1) The sad way, the hard way, the rough way. The way that leads you down and down and down until you are under so much darkness you feel suppressed, oppressed, depressed.
Way 2) The happy way, the optimistic way, the beauty way. The way that leads you to overcome, to fight, to move, to focus, to ignore the nay sayer’s and to see the vision of the better future. The way that leads you up and up into the light, the colour, the excitement.
Fuzzy.One is not just about information, its not just about earning income from your knowledge and experience. It is no just about another project, nor is it just about another IT platform.
Fuzzy.One is an experience, a way of life, a challenge to be better.
Fuzzy.One is about waking up with a smile no matter what.
Fuzzy.One is about Freedom.
The freedom to be part of a financial revolution, where we share the wealth, where we share our knowledge, where we change the way business helps everyone and not just the few. The Fuzzy.One model eradicates poverty as we know it. It alleviates the dire poor and aims to level the field of income so that more people have access to basic amenities.
Fuzzy.One is about sharing.