Fuzzy.One-How to use the Site to earn monthly income

3 min readSep 18, 2021


Do you own a smart phone, a tablet, a laptop or desktop computer?

Do you have access to the internet?

Well, if you do answer yes to both of the above questions you can start to earn extra income every month very easily.

All you need to do is answer questions.

Once you answer a question you get paid!

It‘;’s as simple as that…

OK, so its not as simple as that.

You can only answer questions you are competent in answering, and the system identifies your competency based on how you registered to the site.

All questions are categorized by the asker. The asker will set the meta tags, the language, the location and the categories. The more refined the filter the more focused the outcome.

What does this mean?

It means that the question determines how focused the answer will be by the way it is set up.


Where can I find the best pizza in London?

This question is quite generic, it focuses on London and Pizza. So everyone who lives in London will be able to answer this, as everyone eats which means the only focus is on the location.

To answer this question you need to be registered as living in London, UK.

How can I assemble a Revell P-148 Fighter as I have lost the instruction sheet?

This question is a bit more focused as it asks about a specific toy product, but it is not limited to a location, so anyone in the world can answer it if they have assembled the specific product.

To answer this question you only need a global registration.

What is the cheapest way to travel from Nairobi to Capetown?

This is a locational question focused on travel, where different methods of travel can be considered. Note, the question is not about time, but about cost. So anyone that has knowledge about travelling between Kenya and South Africa can answer.

To answer this question you need to be registered with experience in Kenya and South Africa and have Transportation or Supply Chain as one of your categories.

Who can tell me of the best Ford Truck service station in Ashville Alabama? [Urgent] (Description: I am stuck in traffic off Route 411 outside Ashville Alabama and my engine is overheating. I need urgent assistance, but don’t want anyone, I need someone that’s good, fast and doesn’t rip me off with cost.)

To answer this question you need to be with experience or living in Ashville, Alabama, and you must know about Ford Truck service stations in the area. Your expertise might only be that you own a truck and have had it serviced.

What was Benigno Aquino’s nickname and how did he get it?

To answer this one you would need to register with a category of politics or history or both, and possibly live in the Philippines (not necessary) unless the question is asked in Tagalog.

These are just three examples of questions, there are billions of questions on billions of topics.

How to Register to Maximise your Income

This means you need to register in a way that maximises your income and the best way to do that is to set your location of expertise, such as a country and a city, so that any questions asked in your city or in the locations you have expertise will automatically be directed to you if they are not categorized in a sub category. In regards to category, you should set all the categories and subject specialties you are an expert or have experience with, so that all questions within these categories will come to you too. Then, the combination of category, specialty and location will ping you…and you can answer them.

Here is the registration page that focuses on your experience and location. If you enter a response to Education- Subject Area and specialties, to Experience-Industry and Sector and to Location of your work experience. You will be able to receive every question that is filtered especially to you.




Written by Komunidad

Komunidad is a Global Community Platform using Return on Knowledge for economic redistribution of wealth.

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