Fuzzy.One-How to Ask and Answer Questions

6 min readSep 22, 2021


Viewing the Q&A

  1. The front page view of the Q&A shows the latest questions which you can scroll down. You can click on any question to open it up or you can click on the “Show More” button to view the entire Q&A page.

When you click on the “Show More” button you will open up this page:

If you want to filter the questions down, press the “Filter Questions” button and you will be able to perform filters. The filters include searching for questions that contain specific text, or meta tags. You can alos look for questions within categories and specialties as well as select questions based on urgency. You can perform complex searches that use all these filters, or simple ones using only one search.

Once you have searched, you can select a question, click on the question to open it up. When you open up the question you can view its answer, upvotes and comments. If you have not upvoted or commented you can do so, if you have not answered it and it is in your “category” then you can answer it by pressing “Write your Answer”.

Answering a Question

All you need to do is enter your answer in the text area and press “Post your Answer”

Please note, you cannot answer you own questions.

Asking a Question

If you want to ask a question there is one way to do this:

  1. Press the “Ask Question” from the menu:

This will open up the Question asking screen:

In this screen you have only two mandatory fields:

Question: where you input your question, make the question as focused as possible. If you cannot explain the question in one sentence you can add more detail in the description.

Then you need to select the urgency, this sets how much time you want the answer to be given. If it is not an urgent question always select “Normal”.

When you ask a question you will get similar questions popping up in the select menu under the question field. If there is a question that is similar to yours, you can click on it to see if it provides you with the answer. If there is no similar question, then go ahead and continue asking.

Meta Tags

Meta Tags are useful to enable users to find relevant questions easy. Always add meta tags…it just makes your question easier to find.


You can add category, this is for academic or professional questions where you want to ensure that the person who answers it has the experience and knowledge to answer the question. Take heed, the more filters you add, the more focused your target market, which means less people will be allowed to answer it. Only use this for academic or professional questions.


This is a subset of category, if you want to focus the question to a very specific group of people, then add a specialty. For instance, in Medicine you could select Obstetrics.


This is mandatory, you must set an urgency to your question. Only set this if your question is really urgent. The time for EXTREME is within 10 minutes, the time for URGENT is within 1 hour. The time for FAST is within 12 hours and the time for Medium is within 24 hours. Normal has no time limit.


This is important if you want people to answer only if they either live in a specific country or city. You can select more than one city in a country. This is used when the question is asking for a localized answer. Such as finding something in a country or city. If you don’t need this, just leave it on Global.


You can select more than one city under a country. Just start typing its name and a list will popup.

Posting the Question

Once you have completed the question, you press “Ask Question”, and the question will now appear in four locations.

  1. The home page
  2. The Q&A Page
  3. In your dashboard under the Q&A tab
  4. In your focused targets dashboard under their “Opportunities” tab.

After you ask a question, you can see it by pressing on it. If it has not been answered, it will look like this:

The Q&A Page

If you want to see all the questions as well as filter them, you can do so in the Q&A Page.

Answering a question from the Q&A Page

If you did not ask the question, you can answer it from the Q&A page, just click on “Write your Answer”.

Add your answer and press “Post your Answer”

Dashboard — Opportunities

In your dashboard you will be notified of any new questions asked in the system that fall within your registration set-up. This is why its important to include all your education categories, experience and locations. The more you put in the more questions will be focused on what you can answer. If you do not add any personal information in your profile page then you will only see general questions being asked.

This is how the questions appear in the Opportunities section. You press on Detail to view the question.

You press on “Write your Answer”

You type in your answer and press on “Post your Answer”

Dashboard — Payment

You can view your answer tokens in the dashboard under the “Token” tab. Every time you answer a question you get tokens.

Dashboard — Your Questions List

You can view the questions you asked and answered in your dashboard under the Q&A tab.




Written by Komunidad

Komunidad is a Global Community Platform using Return on Knowledge for economic redistribution of wealth.

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