Fuzzy.One — Cross-Domain Innovation — breaking down the walls of socio-economic inequality!
Sramana Mitra stated, “Cross-domain innovation tends to produce strong, defensible competitive advantage.” this is why Fuzzy.One has created a complete matrix of cross-domain functionality, including language, marketing, income sharing and income payment using blockchain with standard technologies. Fuzzy.One bridges the economic divide for 80% of the world's population through income sharing and return on knowledge.
Cross-domain innovation is how we take great ideas from multiple sources and combine them to create a new business model. We can see many examples of cross-domain innovation here: https://www.crossindustryinnovation.com/15-examples
Fuzzy.One introduces a new cross-domain innovation that takes from different social and economic models and combines them into a new evolved model. Here is our take on cross-domain innovation:
We provide income to millions of community members by integrating cryptocurrency as an intermediary payment method. This new pay by crypto solution is not new, but the model we integrate into is unique. Our income model fuses return on knowledge sharing the wealth to create a new social income model that defies current economic models. We intend to break down the walls of socio-economic inequality!
Return on Knowledge
We provide income to everyone that shares in their life and work experience by using humanities greatest resource, their minds. You can share your knowledge, and now you will get paid for this. Millions of people don't bother to answer questions or provide from their wealth of knowledge and experience. With the onset of payment for sharing, we have opened up a new path where everyone can earn extra income by answering questions online. Q&A platforms are not new, but when integrated with a payment model generating income and using crypto as the intermediary payment method, we generate monthly returns on knowledge to everyone.
Language & Localisation
English is not the only language globally and can become a barrier to success when sites only cater to one language. We realized that everyone should be allowed to interact in their own language when chatting or to share information with others in the community that speak the same language. That's why our Q&A module allows everyone to ask and answer in their own language, and we maintain an English copy for general reference. Translation is not new, but it is being integrated in a novel way to ensure that the information platform maximises its reach and efficacy.
Localisation means geosocial boundaries, such as a city, a state, a country and the world. We believe that many questions are localised; when trying to find a solution, you don't want to ask the world every question. Most of the time, our questions are local, such as, where can I buy the best, the cheapest, the fastest, the easiest. By considering that Q&A’s could be local, we could have 1,000 questions that are identical in context but unique by location. Such as “where can I buy paint in — London, Adis Ababa, Cebu, Coober Pedy, Moscow, Brazilia, Cairo….” Localisation and Language are the perfect symbioses for an evolved Q&A platform.
Sharing the Wealth
For us at Fuzzy.One, it’s not enough we provide a return on knowledge. Sure, everyone can earn more income a month by participating in the sharing aspects of the site. We decided to go 2 steps forward and create a new economic model that will change the worlds economic divide. We decided to share the wealth in a way that defeats the need for charity. We want our community to earn extra income easily and daily.
We at Fuzzy.One prefer to share the wealth before we even close our daily accounts. We want to share the wealth before we even make a profit! We always ask, why even earn so much that you feel you need to give charity when you can level out the economic divide by sharing the wealth and help eliminate poverty one step at a time.
For this, we introduced two new models for sharing our wealth with our community.
1 The first model is the creation of the Fuzzy Playathon, where we take 30% of all our income generated from advertising and divest it back into our community via the playathon platform. Here we provide thousands of prizes for the top scorers in standard one-on-one games such as chess, checkers, tic-tac-toe and more. Fun games where everyone can play one another and build their score rating. Then we payout literally thousands of prizes every month based on the leaderboard.
2 The second model is the referral model, which is like a standard referral model but with a twist. We want our community to help us build up our advertising income by referring companies, shops, business owners to share their knowledge by advertising via the Q&A platform. A Q&A set only costs $1 per month, so a company could advertise 10 Q&A’s at only $10 a month and reach our community at a local, national and global level. The referrer earns 10% of the advertising income monthly! Yes, it's a monthly income paid out to the referrer based on the income generated by the advertiser.
As you can see, we share 40% of our income to ensure our community grows strong. The stronger our community, the stronger we all are.
When we at Fuzzy.One combined all the above features into one new model; we found that we had reached an evolved, powerful new model that would provide income to everyone, alleviate economic disparity and deliver a truly global as well as local social experience.