Fuzzy.One-Call to Action

3 min readAug 9, 2021


This message is for all our members, old and new.

The success of the project is on all of us, especially on you. We are building a community with the aim to provide three important outcomes:

  1. To pay our community members for answering questions using their life and work experience and knowledge.
  2. To introduce a new world financial model that will eradicate extreme poverty.
  3. To introduce a new world wage model where everyone gets paid for the importance of the impact of their role by tightening the gap between uppermost and lowest wage incomes. We want everyone to be paid within a equality based band, so that everyone in any role in life will earn enough that will give them access to housing, food, healthcare and education.

We can reach these goals only if we work together as a coherent community. Spreading the word to our friends, relatives and neighbors. Persuading everyone to register (subscribe) to Fuzzy.One at no cost. Explaining to the, that we never ask for any financial participation from our subscribers, we do the exact opposite. We give and we share, we want our community to use our site to start earning extra income.

For us to succeed we need everyone to start or continue to refer new members to our site and to expand our reach across the globe.

We want every student, every pensioner, every single parent, every poor, every hard working yet low income, every physically challenged, and every neurologically challenged individual to sign up, to be come part of our giving and sharing community.

Our community will only be successful if we are legion!

We need to grow beyond the hundreds of millions of subscribers. We need to become the largest online community the world will see.

Remember this, the larger our community, the more power we give to our token, the more value we will build as an online society.

We call you to action

Everyone on Fuzzy.One, everyone that joins, take your referral code, use it and bring in everyone!

We do not dream or reaching the moon. We dream of reaching everyone on Earth. We want a global community, we want equality for all, we want everyone to have access to life, we want to eradicate extreme poverty and we want everyone that has a question, to ask it on our platform and for everyone with the knowledge and experience to get paid for answer that question.

We share in our wealth. We will re-invest 40% of all our advertising income back into our community.

Do you want to have more income?

Do you want to be part of the largest and most influential online community in the world?

Do you want to help others succeed and in doing so build up your own success?

If you answered yes to any or all of the above questions, then you need to start taking action and referring more and more subscribers to our site.




Written by Komunidad

Komunidad is a Global Community Platform using Return on Knowledge for economic redistribution of wealth.

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